IT Infrastructure

5 Reasons for SMEs to Rent Their IT Infrastructure

When you’re starting a business or your business is on the growth path, finance is the primary concern that presents itself in front of you, and your IT infrastructure is a considerable and necessary expense. However, one way to cut costs also comes in your IT expenses category – you choose to rent your IT equipment rather than outright purchase. An intelligent investment indeed!

IT Infrastructure: A Finance Hassle for SMEs

In many cases, the beginning IT hardware in a small business is the personal laptops or tablets owned through the founding team and sometimes, the early recruiters. The company doesn’t own this device, and that’s fine – you all have a great deal more crucial matters to address than determine what laptop/workstations to buy. While developing as a business enterprise, you’ll start hiring personnel who won’t come with their laptop or phone and assume their company will provide all that for them. This is an essential inflection factor while you or one of your co-founders may turn out to be accountable for something called “IT Strategy,” which in larger businesses may require as much as 25% of the workforce to set, maintain and protect.

Renting: A Bid to Save IT Purchase Budget

There is no doubt that IT infrastructure is vital to meet quite a few requirements and is essential for any business enterprise’s success. The challenge lies in the constantly changing technology. Today’s latest upgraded laptops turn out of date in a few years and must be discarded to make room for the latest models. Otherwise, the enterprise loses out on the competitive edge. Drop all of your worries and breathe a sigh of relief. Computer Junction is offering swiftly implementable IT infrastructure rental solutions for businesses across industry verticals. IT equipment rental is a budget-friendly way to access modern-day technology. In our experience, getting IT equipment on rent can achieve innumerable benefits. Below are some of the key benefits of acquiring your startups IT equipment on rent:

1. Ahead of the competition: How many workplaces have old laptops and computers taking over space in cupboards? Laptop rentals, meanwhile, allow you to spend your finances more wisely while also taking benefit of ongoing progress in digital technology. Stand apart from your competition by renting out modern-day technology and demonstrating to your clients that you’re a business staying abreast with times.

2. Pragmatic and Profitable: This is especially applicable if you have to cut down your business expenses. Buying assets for the sake of a couple of meetings, training sessions, or for a specific business event is generally unnecessary – why not rent what you require for the occasion and save your business some money?

3. See it as a ‘try it till you buy it’ opportunity: Short-term IT rental is also a superb way to see if you get on with a specific device without spending loads of cash, to realize that it is not to your liking. Or you can rent a computer for your team for a particular venture or event without needing to commit to software or hardware for the long term.

4. Compatible to a more mobile workforce: Workers increasingly operate from home, travel, or use shared working spaces. A more flexible workforce with rental laptops would be a tremendous advantage for your business and allow your employees to be more productive at the same time as you adapt to the changing and flexible requirements of your business.

5. Renting vs. Purchasing laptops: The maths is quite simple. You either spend Rs. 25,000 on a standard laptop purchase, or select to pay a little over Rs. 800- 1000 a month. Thus, the money saved can be used to benefit your business further. Renting your IT equipment allows you to loosen up your cash resources that could be better used to meet other requirements, which are of higher priority.


Should your business enterprise be Renting/Leasing IT equipment?

Computer Junction’s IT equipment rental solutions are inspired by the IT needs of business enterprises across industry verticals. So, if you have a vision regarding your IT infrastructure, we have the resources and the drive to make it happen.

Let us know what you envision for your IT infrastructure soon. Don’t you want your IT purchases to be hassle-free without needing to rack your brains? Our IT rental experts are more than ready to deliver that to you.

Build your dream IT infrastructure. Share with us your vision. Throw your IT challenges at us. We live for the challenge. Find your IT rental solutions with us – we customize them for you!

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